Thursday, December 24, 2009

Stephen Morse's poem “Back porch Synchronicity”: Maslow vs Jung

“Back porch Synchronicity”

Maslow vs Jung and lets just say that Maslow “studied” creativity
and Jung exercised it. Guess who I favor?”

A sharp bite of cold
snow lit by blue and gold
strings of light in the
Crab apple Bare, Brown
branches hang like clipped
fingernails over the asphalt
path to the back door.

Wind moves; playing its pattern
in brass chimes and the rustle
of a nylon wind sock cut
to suggest the American Flag.

Somewhere in the dark
a dog is barking at 
some undetectable presence
in the neighborhood . . .
out there in the dark
closer than the train
rumbling through Chanhassen

A dog is barking.
A sharp cold bites at
the partially opened backdoor
of the back porch where
The cat lives
In the summertime
Frozen white

In the wintertime
frozen white


Posted via web from davidfcooper's posterous

1 comment:

Synchronicity said...

If you're in to synchronicity, there's a new forum been set up to discuss it: